Returns the absolute value of the argument.
The abs
function returns the absolute or numeric value of z
, commonly written as |z|.
may be any numeric expression that evaluates to a real number or a complex number.
abs(z) always returns a positive real value.
Returns the argument of the parameter.
The arg
function returns the argument or angle of z
may be any numeric expression that evaluates to a real number or a complex number.
arg(z) always returns a real number.
The result may be in radianer or degrees depending on the current settings.
The angle is always between -π and π.
If z
is a real number, arg(z) is 0 for positive numbers and π for negative numbers.
arg(0) is undefined.
Returns the conjugate of the argument.
The conj
function returns the conjugate of z
may be any numeric expression that evaluates to a real number or a complex number.
The function is defined as: conj(z) = re(z) - i*im(z).
Returns the real part of the argument.
The re
function returns the real part of z
may be any numeric expression that evaluates to a real number or a complex number.
Returns the imaginary part of the argument.
The im
function returns the imaginary part of z
may be any numeric expression that evaluates to a real number or a complex number.